Swimming and lifeguard boosts health and mood
Swimming is relaxing. Enrolling in a lifeguard class provides individuals with comprehensive training in water safety, rescue techniques, and CPR, equipping them with the skills needed to become a confident and capable lifeguard class. That’s because the water makes you feel lighter and gives the heart peace. Relaxing swimming reduces stress and depression.
Swimming and lifeguard is also a cardiovascular workout and such workouts improve mood and boost self-confidence. This is because you produce more of the hormone serotonin while swimming.
The effort of swimming gives you more energy than it costs you. Immediately after exercising you have more energy available than a few hours earlier, when you came home tired from work.
All of the above ensure that swimming gives a boost to your physical and mental health.
Swimming improves your sleeping pattern
Your general health also depends on your sleep. Because during the night your mind and body recover and rejuvenate.
Sleeping well is therefore important and a good workout helps you with that. Because during a (heavy) effort, hormones are released that give you a better night’s sleep afterwards.
Swimming keeps blood pressure down
Since the water in a pool has more pressure than air outside the water, the water makes it easier for blood to flow back to your heart. As a result, your heart has to work 10 to 15% less!
Burn 500 calories per hour
Swimming (not floating ;-)) burns about the same amount of calories as running at 10 km/h. With half an hour of swimming you can easily burn 300 kcal.
Reduces the impact on the joints
Swimming is a low impact sport. By that we mean that swimming is good for your muscles, tendons and joints.
You weigh 90% less in the water and therefore spare your body much more! That is also the reason why injured athletes often start working on their condition again in the swimming pool.
Strengthens the muscles
In addition to a fat-burning fitness training, swimming is also a resistance or strength training. You get that resistance from the water itself. Because water works harder against you than air. Swimming also builds muscle mass.
If you also alternate the different strokes, you also train the muscles in different ways. Swimming helps you develop a balanced body and is the ideal full body workout.
Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease
Swimming and lifeguard, like other forms of cardiovascular exercise, lowers your blood pressure and cholesterol levels and thus reduces the risk of getting cardiovascular disease. For that you have to swim for 30 minutes at least three times a week or in another way to get your heart rate up.
Strengthens the capacity of the lungs
Asthma patients are often advised to swim, preferably in an indoor pool. The warm and humid climate is better for the airways than the drier outside air and indoors also limits the number of pollen in the air, which is such a problem for hay fever and asthma sufferers.
But swimming also offers benefits to asthma patients in general. Swimming increases lung capacity and improves breathing, which are of particular benefit to asthmatics.
If you exercise regularly, you have a larger lung capacity. This is not only reserved for swimmers, but this applies to all sports. For example, if you go swimming and lifeguard once a week, you will soon notice that you will be less out of breath when you walk up a flight of stairs, for example.
Strengthens the bones
Weight-bearing sports like running are known to increase your bone density. Because your body has to carry more weight during these exercises, your bones become stronger.
For a long time, it was thought that swimming as a low-impact sport was not associated with this benefit. However, recent research shows that although swimmers have a lower bone density than runners and strength athletes, they still have a higher density than non-athletes. So swimming and lifeguard increases your bone density.